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Start trees on the path to success by selecting the right tree for the right location. Use proper planting techniques to help roots re-establish quickly, and to help trees resume pretransplant growth rates. Keep trees healthy and encourage long life by following proper tree maintenance practices.

Do not nail or tie things to trees. Use separate supports for bird houses, feeders, ornaments and signs.

Plant trees in locations that allow unobstructed growth to full size. Do not plant large trees against buildings, along sidewalks/driveways or under powerlines.

Keep watersprouts, and weak and crossing branches pruned out of crown interior.

Do not “top” trees. Prune to direct growth while young. Remove competing leaders.

Prune broken, infested or infected branches when damage occurs.

Monitor for disease and insect problems.. Use recommended controls.

Apply irrigation slowly soil to a depth of at least 8-10. Avoid puddling, or overwatering trees when irrigating turf.-

Apply only 2″-3″ of mulch. Do not use black plastic under mulch and do not ple mulch against the trunk.

Remove stakes or trunk protection needed at planting to avoid tree damage after the first year.

Apply slow-release fertilizers over entire turf and tree root zone areas. For weed control use only herbicides labeled as safe to trees.

Avoid digging drainage, utility or construction trenches through root zone.

Remove the top of wire baskets and peel “balling” burlap from the top of root balls to allow roots to expand and grow unobstructed.

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